Long long time ago, people could not live without fire. Our ancestors usually burned the wood and charcoal to maintain warm so that they could hold out the whole winter. In the early European royal family and nobles they put the fire into the wall just wanted to beautify it simply! After serial generations’ creation, it’s evolved to the functional and refined model----fireplace. Fireplace had own hundred years of history in Europe. Why people dedicated to the pursuit of fireplace that’s due to their fascination to the blazing flame of it. It’s not only created the warm atmosphere which can be prompt felt in cold winter, but also can make you lead a classical and romantic life in the other season. The elegant shapes can be involved in all the furnishings in living room and consequently cerate the functional and artistic condition. Today, in the era of advocating protection of environment, the situation of which the fireplace get the warmth by electric energy and imitate wood burning by optical principle has made our company arrived at a state of environmental protection.
BB specialize in manufacturing and selling fireplace. We have established good cooperation relationship with European and North American partners. With China’s accession to WTO , China’s economy market becomes increasingly globalized. More and more Chinese family prefer to European decoration style. And more important part of European style in the living room is fireplace. We believe that in the near future it will launch a hot culture in Chinese market.